
Sepia officinalis

Dirty cuttlefish and clean cuttlefish in all sizes
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8
Glaze at the client's request normally 10% glaze

These muscles are directly connected to the brain, which makes the cuttlefish be aware of its reality at all times, and have a control over them that makes it change color, in a fraction of seconds.

The pigment becomes visible in the skin of the cuttlefish, when the muscles are excited and dilate the chromatophore. Cuttlefish also use contrast and edging for visual patterns to help give their camouflage.

The way the cuttlefish mate has a curious way of proceeding. The cuttlefish / large male takes care of the cuttlefish / female, not allowing the smaller males to access them, that is why the smaller males camouflage themselves as if they were females, and when they approach these the larger male does not it notices and the smallest ones fertilize the female cuttlefish, once finished, they acquire their usual color and flee.

In a study carried out on a cuttlefish, it was shown an x ​​when food was to be delivered, when no food was delivered, an x ​​appeared on its back showing that it had associated this symbol with obtaining food.